If you are a small-business owner, you know how it feels to have to juggle revenue-generating activities with payroll and human resource management. Do you know how much of your work day you actually spend on these necessary but time-consuming tasks? Do you know how much they are costing you by taking you away from core business operations? You’re losing money by not outsourcing HR.
Takes You Away from Core Business Activities
Milan Yager, president and CEO of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations says "Most small businesses are under 25 employees, and that means the owner is the most productive, is critical to the success of the business, and has to get out there and generate sales and products." By outsourcing non-core activities, Yager says business owners and principals can focus on their business rather than employee paperwork and compliance.
Milan Yager, president and CEO of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations says "Most small businesses are under 25 employees, and that means the owner is the most productive, is critical to the success of the business, and has to get out there and generate sales and products." By outsourcing non-core activities, Yager says business owners and principals can focus on their business rather than employee paperwork and compliance.
Costs You Top Talent
While outsourcing HR isn't for every small business, the ones who do outsource are often able to offer better benefits that attract better talent according to Aon Consulting’s senior vice president of health and benefits Ed Vargas. If you are losing candidates because of your benefits offering, see if outsourcing HR will provide better benefits to help you build and retain your workforce.
Slows Productivity
When HR administrative tasks start to interfere with productivity, usually around 10 to 15 employees, it’s time to look at more cost-effective options. If your key revenue-generating personnel are losing ground on things like sales or manufacturing production goals because of HR tasks, that is hitting your bottom line. Compare the cost of outsourcing HR against the amount of revenue opportunities lost in current operations and see if outsourcing is right for your company.
If you’d like to explore the option of outsourcing your company’s HR needs, please contact us at info@simplicityus.com or call 1-844 MY ACCTG. We can help you understand your HR outsourcing options that save you time and money and free you to focus on your business.
While outsourcing HR isn't for every small business, the ones who do outsource are often able to offer better benefits that attract better talent according to Aon Consulting’s senior vice president of health and benefits Ed Vargas. If you are losing candidates because of your benefits offering, see if outsourcing HR will provide better benefits to help you build and retain your workforce.
Slows Productivity
When HR administrative tasks start to interfere with productivity, usually around 10 to 15 employees, it’s time to look at more cost-effective options. If your key revenue-generating personnel are losing ground on things like sales or manufacturing production goals because of HR tasks, that is hitting your bottom line. Compare the cost of outsourcing HR against the amount of revenue opportunities lost in current operations and see if outsourcing is right for your company.
If you’d like to explore the option of outsourcing your company’s HR needs, please contact us at info@simplicityus.com or call 1-844 MY ACCTG. We can help you understand your HR outsourcing options that save you time and money and free you to focus on your business.
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